Your new life in Christ
Learn more about what is before you, and what you are becoming daily, minute-by-minute in Christ Jesus.
Salvation – The Race (7 attributes of a runner)
1. Prepare
2. Mindset
3. Conditioning Regimen
4. Practice
5. Timing
6. Skill
7. Finish Line
Faith - Fit to Finish (12 clicks to pacing your stride)
Jeremiah 29:11 “..I know the thoughts I have towards you."
Your race track is as unique as your calling
Listen & Hear: John 10
Do: Faith without works is dead. Spiritual Growth is essential – Jesus defeated the enemy (Believe It)
(Jacob Adult Sheep)
Many are called but few are chosen. The Race is not given to the swift – Endurance & Strategy. Remain true to your purpose on the mission.
Your Next Steps:
Read the “Word of the Week” to stay on track!
Read my ebook, Preparing.
Schedule a Free Coaching Session with B.Carter