There is a vital point to fully understand when you are discovering how to live. When you fully connect to your passions and live in balance with intellect, and you know you have not done anything alone; you have to acknowledge God, our creator. Believers understand their gifts, and their very being as coming directly from God. They see the personal handywork God has placed inside of them. They recognize that while heartfelt living pulls from the center, it does not rely solely on our own insight. It connects to God and relies on God’s Holy Spirit. Believers will not originally think they have made it on their own; they will always acknowledge God and will continue to seek God’s guidance. Your prayer life, your worship life, your entire life should reflect who is in the driver’s seat directing you and helping you to live. Take heart, my friend, you are not alone trying to find your inner urges. You have someone far greater than you who is working on your behalf, and his name is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH!
Proverbs 3:5-6
…Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Lord, thank you for another chance to see my work, my relationships, my ministry in a new way as I work unto you. I commit myself to trust you with everything and humbly give you all the glory. In Jesus Name, Amen.
-Pastor Bruce Carter
All praises and glory to God
This was just what I needed to meditate on for today. God bless you!
Amen to the truth. Good God Word, Pastor