A Bitter Cup can leave us wondering what is the main ingredient producing this sensation and strong taste. Our CUP of Salvation is not given to discourage us, but rather to place us on notice! When our CUP is Bitter, it is a sign that something is missing or has been placed in a forgotten location. Collect sticks, you are in a famine from something you need to execute the task The Lord has placed in front of you! However, the only way you can locate this “bitter” ingredient, is to spend some “soul searching”, groaning in the Holy Spirit”, “clean sweeping”, and “disinfectant washing” time with The Lord Jesus Christ! Yes, the message in your Bitter Cup is clear; The Lord is saying, “Give Me more ”one on one” time in the 24-hour clock on your daily calendar.” It is called “Value Add!”
A good example of “not enough time” is shared in Luke Chapter 14 where Jesus shares a parable of three individuals He compels to join Him in the service of the ministry, but they all give excuses indicating their “calendar” is just too full at this time for them to execute the task at hand. The first says, I have new property to maintain, the second declares the need to attend to his livestock, and the third refers to his wife as the reason for his excuse. All three lack the willingness to place Jesus as “Value Add” to their calendar of ”Action Items”. As we know we all are consumed by work schedules, family, romance, fitness, eating, sleeping, pursuing career opportunities, and the list goes on and on. But your Bitter Cup is a strong signal that your “flesh” Priority is what you Value; it is your “bitter” ingredient. Your Spiritual gifts are considered secondary and can rarely be seen on your daily calendar.
When we fail to list the commands Jesus ask of us as main “Action Items” on our calendar, we are not fit to be His Disciple. Jesus requires total commitment in “contending for the faith”. Think about this, would your employer welcome your incomplete performance on task assignments and not meeting deadlines? These performance reviews would leave most employees unemployed! As a business owner, would you expect revenues from incomplete transactions with clients? Your business would eventually become bankrupt. In each scenario, there is a lost. This is how Jesus sees us when we do not make His Service, priority, on our calendars.
We must remember the source enabling us to perform every Action Item on our Calendar, “Our Father which art in Heaven”. God has blessed us with many talents and gifts for serving His Kingdom. When we spend this “Value Add” time with Him, only then can He share with you what You have misplaced; how to use “your gift” so He will be Glorified, and those He sends along your path can be Edified”. This is “Value Add” for the Kingdom of Heaven, as others witness your “Spiritual Talents” during your work in the vineyard the Lord Jesus has provided for you. Remember, priority means Value! God said, but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matthew 6:33). Search your daily calendar items to make sure God Jehovah Jireh, our provider is present in every Action Item!
Give God His Time He is the one who gave the 24 hours to you! This is the day the Lord has made(Psalm 118)
BITTER C.U.P. Consumed Under Pressure © Lady Angela Carter