Winter is the only season that transitions from one year to the next. It begins after the Harvest and ends before the rebirth (or renewal) of the earth’s horticulture yielding seed process. It is almost as if the earth itself takes a ‘rest’ as the year ends and a new year begins. When our CUP is COLD with SNOW; we know this form of Heaven’s water is only produced during temperatures common to our Winter Season. The atmospheric density and pressure must be exactly perfect to create this beautiful pristine white hydrating substance. Collect Sticks as you embrace your Snow CUP with Joy and Moderation, knowing the more inches we receive the more of God’s Word we need! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!
Our “SNOW” CUP is God’s way of communicating to us that our spiritual belly is malnourished and God has sent the “Bread of Life”, His Holy Word, Modern Day Manna, to fill us up! Yes, the amount of Snow fall in your CUP is contingent upon the size of your empty spiritual belly, 5 inches, 10 inches, and even 20 inches. Whatever the amount in your CUP, as Christians, we shout, “Fill me up Lord!”
The Lord teaches us in Isaiah 55:10-11; …“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;” The difference between rain and snow is the season temperature. Snow is very cold rain, and snow sticks! It remains as long as the temperatures are COLD enough to sustain its condensation. Snow penetrates the ground slowly, and with the SUN’s reflection, it produces a lighted surface of beauty! Yes, your SNOW CUP is an indicator that the Word God is sending to YOU, is a lasting and beautiful Rhema Word. Receive it! Believe it! Keep it and Perform it!
We must keep the Word of the Lord in our hearts and we must be ”doers” of the Word once we receive it. (Psalms 119:11) In essence Saints, we must perform what we hear from the Lord. Recall Jesus teaching the disciples in Matthew 23 ….”that whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say and do not do…” Jesus was teaching us that the Word we receive is nourishment for our spiritual belly so we can grow in faith in the Lord by implementing the Word. Your SNOW CUP is speaking to your inner man that you need a Ramah Word, sent from God in Heaven, to the Preacher chosen by God, who is sent to deliver the Word of God to You, His Chosen people. As Isaiah 55 continues to speak on the Snow from heaven, the Lord’s Word will not return to Him void, so “Receive it and Believe it!” The Lord’s Word shall accomplish what He pleases, and prosper in the thing in which it is sent, so “Keep it and Perform it!”
So Collect Sticks and embrace your Snow CUP. You are about to be filled with exactly what You need to fulfill what The Lord has prospered for You to accomplish. This Rhema Word is the measure of faith necessary to perform whatever God has purposed for You. …So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17)
COLD C.U.P. Consumed Under Pressure © Lady Angela Carter
Amen! Amen! Fill me up Lord!