When our CUP is COLD, God is saying Freeze. stop, cease motion, and ask yourself, “What am I doing?” ”Why am I doing it?” and finally, “Have I sought The Lord’s counsel?” Kick back in your ”Spiritual Recliner”, relax, and meditate on the Word of the LORD to answer these 3 questions! When our CUP is frozen solid, Collect Sticks and prepare to rid yourself of doubt from your mind, passiveness from your attitude, and ambivalence from your actions! You are about to to “Recalibrate” and embark on authentic richness in Christ Jesus!
The Lord teaches us in Proverbs 3 to ”Trust in The Lord with all your heart, and never lean to your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” We must consistently and accurately examine our actions and ensure we are “strategically” executing Christian Character and Christian Warrior actions as we navigate this earthly life. Remember we are Ambassadors of Christ! We are just passing through this world, this is not our home, Heaven is! Our plans and goals should not be earthly oriented, but Heavenly appointed. Our aspirations and visions should not be used for earthly gain, but for our Heavenly reward!
Recall the young Rich Ruler who ask Jesus what did he need to do to inherit the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 19:16). Jesus sent this young rich ruler a “COLD” frozen solid CUP to alter his way of thinking about life, to adjust his attitude on easy living because of his wealth, and to keep him from teeter tottering between earthly goals and Heavenly goals. But this young rich ruler’s perception, attitude, and actions were very similar to many individuals today. We put Jesus on the shelf, until we are in need of help. We forget that every stock option, job promotion, vacation home, apartment complex, automobile, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and enjoyed possessions are all in the Mighty Hand of The Lord Jesus Christ through Almighty God, Jehovah Jireh our provider. Our strength to accomplish and partake in all these things come from one source, Jesus Christ! Jesus replied to the young rich ruler’s question by saying, if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell ALL that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me. In other words, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. This means, if all your LOVE is placed in The LORD, than your “teeter totter” cannot move, since all the LOVE is on ONE SIDE, the side where the Lord is!!
So, when your CUP is frozen COLD, relax, take a seat, and answer your three questions truthfully in the Holy Spirit of Almighty God! Once you have taken of your frozen solid COLD CUP ”Recalibrate” set your affection on things above, not on things in the earth! Remember, “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. (Haggai 2:8).
COLD CUP; Collect Sticks, Take a seat, and wait on the Lord and he will renew your strength (Psalms 40) Including your faith, your keen insight, your wit, and your course of action.
COLD C.U.P. Consumed Under Pressure
© Lady Angela Carter
Amen! Amen! Well said Lady Carter we can RECALIBRATE, find solitude in the Word and let Jesus take the wheel when we are C.U.P.
Amen. Yes we can.