Freshness is a sensation that produces a mental attitude of being renewed. In the realm of your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ, this renewal sensory is a lighted pathway designed specifically for YOU, GO FOR IT! When your CUP is flavored with Mint, The Lord is revealing to you; it is time to Move – Into – New – Territory! Collect sticks; you are about to experience a famine from inadequate resources.
Mint is known for a refreshing taste as well as cooling the palate. In essence, having this flavor in your CUP is a sign from the Lord, that He has provided you with the energy and the faith to embrace a new lighted pathway. In Psalms 34:8 the LORD teaches us, “O Taste ye and see, that the Lord is Good; blessed is the man that trust in him.” In knowing that Jesus Christ is the Word, this Mint taste reveals that your committed study and meditation on God’s Holy Word has prepared you for a new pathway. Jesus is encouraging you to apply the Word to navigate the pathway as you move into new territory, He has established for you to “work the ministry”. Remain cool, and know that instead of saying, “I Got this”; you will be confident in knowing that God has You! Jesus said in John Chapter 15:…”I am the vine and you are the branches… apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus has prepared the new pathway and created the resources you will garner once you Move – Into – New – Territory. Go for it!
Yes, your Mint flavored CUP keeps you cool, calm, collective, renewed, strong, confident, steadfast, and blessed in Christ Jesus! Collect sticks as the Lord provides you with resources essential to navigating this new mission. This “new” territory is on a terrain of which only you and Christ Jesus will generate the work He has established for YOU to do. Recall the two disciples who walked with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus. (Luke 24) They thought the route they were taking would lead them to their destination in the same state of mind they were in when they left their original starting point. However, as they walked and talked with the Lord Jesus, their hearts burned within and they began to experience empowerment and an uplifted spirit. Finally, once Jesus unbraided their understanding, they immediately began to Praise and Glorify God for what they had experienced. This miracle of witnessing the resurrected Christ, placed these two disciples on new terrain with confidence to say, “I walked and talked with the risen Savior!” Your New Territory will do the same for YOU! New lighted pathway, New terrain, New resources, New mental attitude, Go for it!
The Lord has New Territory for you, Go for it! …And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world…(Matthew 28:20).
Amen in the Name of Jesus…an uplifting confirmation in this particular season!