When our C.U.P. is HOT, the extreme heat, pressure, discomfort, or steam can cause us to become irritable, anxious, and worried. These mental or physical experiences can lead to body and emotional pain. As human beings, we are all familiar with body aches and illnesses. In many instances, some of us have learned to cope with medical and psychiatric diagnosis through medicinal substances, therapy, adjustments in our diet, and rearranging our life’s regimens. But as Christians, we know we are not just flesh; we are also “soul” and “spirit”.
When our physical bodies are attacked by a virus, we usually develop a fever as a result from our white blood cells, known as “soldiers”, battling the foreign invasion of the virus or disease. These blood cells work collectively with our immune system to help our physical body combat the cause of our illness. Our temperature rises, and when our white blood cells are successful, the body cools down, and we are restored to a healthy great feeling body.
But what happens when our soul is sick? We cannot touch the soul, we cannot physically see it, nor can we view exactly what is causing the feeling we are experiencing. Who or what comes to our rescue to heal our sick soul? Your HOT C.U.P. is sending the answer to these questions. Collect Stones and prepare for the “Hot” battle to heal your “Bothered” soul.
The answer to our anxiety or worries lie within the context of our spiritual relationship with JESUS CHRIST! JESUS is the immune system our spirit uses to heal our soul. We cannot use external methods for healing the soul because the soul is NOT the body. When our soul is under attack, we cannot ignore its ailments by resorting to a physical remedy source such as some person or some tangible thing. No person can heal your soul, but God can through JESUS!
God is a Spirit (John 4). And when our soul is sick, we must look to God! He can heal you instantly through “hearing” and “doing” exactly what He tells you to do. A sick soul is a result of “not” following God’s Holy word. The “heat” from your HOT C.U.P. is an indicator that your soul has a “fever” and a spiritual battle is underway! Your spiritual man needs JESUS. He is the governing doctor of our soul, the heart of our being, the mental psyche of our actions. JESUS gives us exactly what we need when we keep his sayings. JESUS gives us the Holy Spirit, as our Comforter. This Comforter brings “fire” and fire is heat! The Holy Spirit gives us peace, joy, love, faith, meekness, longsuffering, temperance, goodness, gentleness, and most importantly power. Our belief upon JESUS seals our soul into eternal life! (John 14, Galatians 5). These are all remedies to any sickness your soul could possibly have. Believe and receive.
So, consume your Hot C.U.P. and know that JESUS is fighting off an evil attack on your heart and mind. JESUS is in “Hot” battle to heal your “Bothered” soul. Collect stones and keep your eyes on JESUS. He is the burden bearer of our souls, and every battle we experience, belongs to Him! Believe upon JESUS, He is the one whom God has sent. He did not tell us to believe in man, woman, pills, drinks, concoctions, potions, cards, moons, stars, and other worldly practices. Consume your Hot C.U.P. and know that fevers are meant to fight off serious infections and yes, The Lord JESUS handles ALL ailments of the mind and the heart, which is our soul. He is the only One who Can!!
… Jesus said Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me.
.… [ John 14:1 KJV]
HOT C.U.P. Consumed Under Pressure © Lady Angela Carter
Powerful and miraculous timing. I surely needed this