When you operate based on a formula of one-size-fits-all, you’ve missed the power and insight that the word of God can bring to your life. It’s similar to trying to follow the exact path of someone else to receive their success. The operative word here is “their”. It is what they have been called to do with what God has deposited inside of them. And while your calling can be similar, your experiences, your inner wiring, your makeup, your perspective, your worldview, your culture, and so on are all fundamentally different. When you began to understand God’s Word, you begin to understand that only you can do what God has called and predestined for you to do. Only You should and can do it with your specific set of skills and experiences. God had a plan when He created each of us. God shaped us to fulfill a mission just as Christ fulfilled the ultimate mission. It is now time and more reason to invest the time and energy, the hard work and personal evaluation, to find out what you are created for. Birds know that they should fly; they instinctively know this and with just a little push from the mother bird, they leave their nest and fly. So listen to God’s voice that speaks to your spirit, which tells us which direction to go. We need to tap into it and follow it. Great fulfillment awaits all who do.
Ephesians 1:11-12 KJV
In whom also we have obtained and inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of this own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
Wonderful God, help me to understand that my destiny and the fulfillment of my life has already been predestinated by you. Give me the power to walk into the very thing you have called me to do.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
Pastor Bruce Carter
Tonya Riley says
Cjay says
Oneia says
Amen! I recieve it in Jesus’ name!
Anisha Grimmett says