There is a vital point to fully understand when you are discovering how to live. When you fully connect to your passions and live in balance with intellect, and you know you have not done anything alone; you have to acknowledge God, our creator. Believers understand their gifts, and their very being as coming directly from God. They see the personal handywork God has placed inside of them. They ... Read the Post
People Change Too
One way to know when adjustments are needed is to periodically do assessments of what was and what is. For example, in my marriage from time to time my wife and I will go on more frequent dates during these seasons. We explore each other’s lives again and discuss who we’ve become. As a result, we’ve learned that one of the most lethal toxins to 0ur relationship is predictability.Keeping our life ... Read the Post
The Right Fit
When you operate based on a formula of one-size-fits-all, you’ve missed the power and insight that the word of God can bring to your life. It’s similar to trying to follow the exact path of someone else to receive their success. The operative word here is “their”. It is what they have been called to do with what God has deposited inside of them. And while your calling can be similar, your ... Read the Post
Our Image
We are made in God’s image, and he is the giver of good and perfect gifts. Our image will reflect our Creator and bear the imprint of the divine God. We must ask ourselves daily; what do people see when they interact with (Me)? Reflect on what you are seeing in your mirror. The attributes and characteristics of good gifts should encompass your beautiful image from our ... Read the Post
God created everything with potential, including YOU. He placed the seed of each thing within itself.He placed the seed of every living thing within itself. The grass, the herbs, the trees and God saw this as GOOD. God has also planted within each person or thing he created the ability to be much more than it is at any one moment. Surmising that everything in life has potential. This includes ... Read the Post
A Great Harvest of Souls Waits to be Won to Christ
A great harvest of souls waits to be won to Christ. Men, women, boys and girls are discouraged and discontent with the world’s status quo. They are looking for answers to the problematic and disastrous conditions that plague our society. People are hurting and seeking relief from the pain and heartache of this wicked and perverse generation. The people of the world are searching for something or ... Read the Post