Moving in circles around the Mulberry bush is a jovial and juvenile nursery rhyme. It depicts a childhood past time, reflecting repetitive occurrences of the exact same experience. When our CUP is Flavored with Mulberry, the Lord is sending the message that we are back in the same state of mind, condition, and circumstance as before. Collect Stones and use what The Lord has proved works for YOU! Yes, the Flavor Mulberry alerts you to recall your Burning bush experience. The Burning bush experience is the place where you first realized that Jesus Christ had chosen You! You removed your shoes; You knew you were on Holy Ground, and You received a message from The Lord which transitioned you into a New Living Sacrifice for God Almighty! The Burning bush is where You discovered that You possess something purposed only for Your use. Your Flavor CUP of Mulberry is a reminder, it is time to Use It!
The Lord, “I AM” revealed to Moses that he was chosen for a specific work in fulfilling God’s plan for the children of Israel. As the Lord advises Moses at the Burning bush, he provides Moses with a rod which is used throughout Moses’ conundrum with Pharoah’s refusal to release Israel from bondage. This rod is the staple instrument in carrying out the miracles the Lord performs through Moses. Including, its’ use at the Red Sea, when The Lord instructs Moses…But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea…(Exodus 14:16). This rod was in Moses’ hand, the same rod he used at the Burning bush. Your Mulberry Flavored CUP is a reminder to use what God has placed within your hands during your Burning bush experience. Do not wait or hesitate, shout or pout, cry or die, Use it! This “It” will heighten your current mental state, improve the conditions in which you are currently exposed to, and positively impact your circumstance!
Recall when Paul and Silas were both bound in jail. Their mental psyche was challenged, their condition was highly unfavorable, and their circumstances were abysmal due to a false guilty verdict. However, Paul and Silas immediately use both of their “Its”. The bible shares in Acts 16, that around midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns unto Almighty God! The Lord hears Paul and Silas, sends an earthquake that shakes the prison doors open for every prisoner to escape; but Paul, Silas, and all the prisoners remain inside the prison. As a result of this miracle, the keeper of the prison and his entire household confess the Lord Jesus and receive Salvation! This one account causes both Paul and Silas to be released from prison because the keeper of the prison testifies the truth on their behalf. Jesus reminds us that the Holy Spirit brings all things into remembrance. In his teachings to the disciples, he affirms their security in Him by sharing …My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand…John 10. Your Mulberry Flavored CUP is retrieving long term memory resources. Resources proven by You that works for You every time You Use It! Collect Stones and use what The Lord has proved works for YOU in your current circumstance.
Your Mulberry Flavored CUP reminds You of what You used during your Burning bush experience. Use It!
…And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness… [Ephesians 1: 23-24]
FLAVORED C.U.P. Consumed Under Pressure © Lady Angela Carter
Powerful and needed🙏🏽
OMG, I really appreciate the Word shared here, it’s amazing how quick sometimes I’ve forgotten about that “Burning Bush” moment. Not that I don’t appreciate it or relish it but at times I get so involved and consumed in the affairs of this world that I miss that…all I have to do is go back to that moment…
Amen beautiful read
Love this word my sister remembering my burning bush experience.